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Strategic Formulation - Chapters 7 and 8 Assignment

Strategic Formulation - Chapters 7 and 8 Assignment

Q page 244 Summary Review questions #2, 4 page 244 ethic question #2 - what a politically correct way to ask a question which really relates to bribing government officials. In addition to ethical, what are the legal issues and social norms in the USA, Russia, Greece, Mexico - site at least 6 sources page 275 application questions and exercises #3 you are to research Uber site at least 3 sources (Also how has Uber been welcomed in the Hamptons? Nassau County? Suffolk county? Any language requirements in England?) page 275 ethics question #2 research Wal-Mart driving small businesses out of business and the use of state/county/township tax incentives to entice Wal-Mart to enter a geographic market - include 4 researched sources. Federal income tax is not a state/county/township tax What are the four factors described in Porter’s diamond of national advantage? How do the four factors explain why some industries in a given country are more successful than others? There are four basic strategies—international, global, multidomestic, and transnational. What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with each?Business practices and customs vary throughout the world. What are some of the ethical issues concerning payments that must be made in a foreign country to obtain business opportunities?Think of an entrepreneurial firm that has been successfully launched in the last 10 years. What kind of entry strategy did it use—pioneering, imitative, or adaptive? Since the firm’s initial entry, how has it used or combined overall low-cost, differentiation, and/or focus strategies?

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The four factors are factor endowments, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and firm strategy, structure and rivalry (Dess et al. 2016). According to the analysis and understanding of the four factors, the national home base of a company is of extreme importance in the sense that it provides a great platform for a company to grow in the long run. The national home base therefore, enables and assists a company to determine and understanding the global market position and the overall advantageous/disadvantageous situation of a company.